Looking for a reliable and adaptable storage solution for your goods? Lukenda Transport offers high-quality storage services, ensuring that your goods are securely stored and ready for further transportation according to your needs.
Our warehouse is located in Osijek, conveniently situated for comfortable and practical storage of your goods. We provide convenience and proximity to a local base, allowing easy access to your stored goods and quick transportation to your desired destination.
We understand that some goods require special storage conditions. Our warehouses offer the option of storage in chambers with controlled temperatures down to -25°C, ideal for sensitive goods requiring specific temperature control. Additionally, we also offer ambient temperature storage, ensuring your goods are kept under optimal conditions regardless of the type or temperature requirements.
Advantages of our storage service include:
By choosing Lukenda Transport for storage services, you secure a safe, flexible, and adaptable solution for your business. Don't let the competition get ahead - contact us today and ensure top-notch storage services in Europe.